Welcome to iProPal if you just signed up as a client. After signing up all you have to do is post a job and hire quality freelancers from iProPal.
Posting a Job is quiet easy on iProPal and it's also free.
In order to post a job click on Post Job option in the navigation bar.
- Job Title - Provide a title for your job.
- Category - Select the category in which you want to post the job.
- Subcategory - Select a subcategory related to the selected category in order to make it more specific.
- Skills - Add skills based on the level of expertise required from the freelancer.
- Description - Describe the job properly and you can also use the integrated editor to highlight important details or instructions.
- Job Duration - Amount of time the job would require.
- Limit job post to specific location? - If you want freelancers from all over the world to see your job select 'worldwide' otherwise select the country of your choice.
- Payment Type - Select whether you'd like to pay a fixed amount (Fixed Payment) or on hourly basis (Hourly Payment)
Fixed Payment:
- Currency - Select the preferred currency.
- Estimated Budget - Add a budget value to you job. (This is the amount you're willing to pay)
Hourly Payment:
- Required hrs/week - Estimated no of hours you need the freelancer to work on this job.
- Currency - Select the preferred currency.
- Hourly Charges - Amount you're willing to pay per hour to the freelancer.
- Prepaid Hourly Contract - Select Yes if you're willing to pay one week advance during the time of contract creation. This will show a badge Hourly Prepaid in your job listing. Jobs with Hourly Prepaid get better responses from freelancers. Otherwise select No.
- Keep Visibility of Job Post - Select All Freelancers if you want the visibility of job post to be visible to all the freelancers on iProPal. Else select Only Selected Freelancers to limit visibility of job post to the freelancers you invite after posting the job successfully. You can either invite freelancers from the Smart Matched Freelancer listing that iProPal provides or you can click on Find Freelancers and invite freelancers from the listing itself or by visiting their detailed profile by clicking on their name.